Breyer RD Marciea Bey

Type: Breyer

There are qualities, like presence, that cannot be taught; instead, they are inherent gifts. RD Marciea Bey, a 2013 mare owned by Rae Dawn Arabians, exemplifies this innate charisma and personality in the show ring. With her remarkable movement and a captivating "look at me" attitude, she effortlessly commands attention, backed by a trail of well-deserved accolades. In the competitive realm of halter events, Marciea has earned distinguished titles, including the 2018 US National Junior Mare Reserve Champion, the 2021 Scottsdale Reserve Champion Mare, and the 2021 Arabian Breeders World Cup Silver Champion Senior Mare. Adding to the allure of her show ring success is the fact that Marciea is a proud product of Rae Dawn's own breeding program. Her parents, Bey Ambition and RD Marciena, stand as accomplished US National Champions, both owned by Rae Dawn. Affectionately known as "the queen" of Rae Dawn, Marciea is actively contributing to the legacy of Rae Dawn by passing on her exceptional presence to her offspring, thereby ensuring the continuation of a lineage marked by excellence.

(Real horse not included)

Traditional | 1:9 scale | Ages 8+