Breyer Jewels - Fall 2022 Rainbow Decorator

Type: Breyer
Low stock - 1 available

A rainbow-colored Fighting Stallion is indeed a magnificent sight, combining the fierce energy of a rearing horse with the vibrant hues of a rainbow. This unique rendition of the classic sculpture by Chris Hess, introduced to the Breyer lineup in 1961, stands out with its jewel-toned, metallic coat that shimmers with every movement.

The stallion’s transformation into this radiant masterpiece starts from the tip of his ruby-colored ears and flows through to the violet ends of his tail, capturing the essence of a rainbow. The rich, metallic luster of his coat adds to the spectacle, making it appear as if he’s adorned with precious jewels. Each hue transitions seamlessly into the next, creating a living rainbow that’s both dynamic and awe-inspiring.

This rainbow-coated Fighting Stallion marks a significant departure from the more traditional realistic patterns and the occasional decorator colors that have graced this iconic model in the past. It’s a bold and creative celebration of color and movement, ensuring that this edition will be a memorable and cherished addition to any collection.